Two-Thirds of Singapore Residents keen to try a new sport – Decathlon Survey

A Decathlon survey has shown that 63% of residents in Singapore are willing to try a new sport but haven’t done so. Overcoming the initial hurdle to try a new sport is proving a barrier for many. 43% of those surveyed cited that the easing of pandemic restrictions would be the main push factor to get active again. The findings from the survey, conducted in partnership with Pure Profile, suggests a growing appetite for Singapore residents to expand their sporting horizons but that they stumble at the starting blocks with a few perceived barriers.

Over a third of the respondents reported that time was a major factor in not exploring new sporting avenues. A third also felt that they didn’t have access to the right venue or equipment while a fifth cited cost concerns.

32.5% said they didn’t know where to start. Another 32.3% think they would not be physically capable or good at it. Another 36.1% struggled to find people to play with.

To overcome these barriers to starting a new sport, Decathlon is on a mission to make sports accessible for all sustainably. To achieve this, it has created a series of products to show Singaporean’s how easy it is to ‘Just Start Playing’. Even everyday products around the house can be turned into fun sports gear. You can make your own rolled newspaper ‘baseball bat’, a crushed paper ‘basketball’, a notebook ‘tennis racket’, a cotton string ‘volleyball net’, a disposable plate ‘frisbee disc’, or use two paper cups as a ‘football goal post’.

This campaign is Decathlon’s first step to make sports accessible for all sustainably. Other initiatives include Decathlon’s new Activities Platform to enjoy free physical and online events, new website refresh and their upcoming Store Opening at Northshore Plaza. 

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Middle aged curious individual trying to find a balance in keeping healthy and finding joy keeping fit. Because trying new food and drink is part of the work.

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